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Innlegg skrevet av Natka1504

  1. Hello!

    I'm Natalia, a master degree student from Poland. I love hiking and Norway 
    and that is why I wanted to combine those topics in my master thesis. The thesis is going to be about hiking culture in Norway and in Poland, so I need to do a research among Norwegian and Polish hikers. I prepared a survey but I have a problem with finding a way to send it among Norwegians, since on different facebook groups admins do not let my post be posted 

    So, I would like to ask all of you here for a little favor. First of all, I'd like to ask you for fulfilling the survey. I'd be also veeeery thankful if you could send it to your family and friends. And third of all, do you know any Norwegian facebook groups where I could post this survey?

    Here is the link to the survey⬇️


    Thank you so much for your help!


  2. Hello! 

    I'm Natalia, a master degree student from Poland. I love hiking and Norway and that is why I wanted to combine those topics in my master thesis. The thesis is going to be about hiking culture in Norway and in Poland, so I need to do a research among Norwegian and Polish hikers. I prepared a survey but I have a problem with finding a way to send it among Norwegians, since on different facebook groups admins do not let my post be posted 
    So, I would like to ask all of you here for a little favor. First of all, I'd like to ask you for fulfilling the survey. I'd be also veeeery thankful if you could send it to your family and friends. And third of all, do you know any Norwegian facebook groups where I could post this survey?

    Here is the link to the survey⬇️


    Thank you so much for your help! ❤


  3. Hello! 

    I'm Natalia, a master degree student from Poland. I love hiking and Norway and that is why I wanted to combine those topics in my master thesis. The thesis is going to be about hiking culture in Norway and in Poland, so I need to do a research among Norwegian and Polish hikers. I prepared a survey but I have a problem with finding a way to send it among Norwegians, since on different facebook groups admins do not let my post be posted 
    So, I would like to ask all of you here for a little favor. First of all, I'd like to ask you for fulfilling the survey. I'd be also veeeery thankful if you could send it to your family and friends. And third of all, do you know any Norwegian facebook groups where I could post this survey?

    Here is the link to the survey⬇️


    Thank you so much for your help! ❤


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