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  1. It's not my first time in mountains. I know how to read the terrain. I wasn't sure only that I need any permission to enter Galdhøpiggen or not. I don't know the norwegian rules. It will be good traning before trip to Elbrus in Russia. I was thinking about Glitterind too. Anyway I want to explore Jotunheimen mountains. I have time til June. If someon want to join me will be very nice. I don't now anybody in Norway who like mountains and like to spend free time with this kind of sport. I'm living in Trondheim but It's now problem to meet someon from the rest of Norway.
  2. Hei I want to ask You guys about Galdhøpiggen. In march I wona climb on this peak. Can someon give me some advices. March is a good time to go there? Thanks for all answers Thomas.
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