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  1. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Mer om fiske i Tana Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Gå til Podcasten
  2. Plenty to get your teeth into today. Our main guest is Paul “Skunkape” Collins, a man who took on the Appalachian Trail in 2012 and has missed it every day since. He also plans to get back on the trail in 2022, his 10-year trailiversary. He took over 2,000 photos (carrying a DSLR camera) and shared them with friends and, most particularly with his mother. Prior to her death, he celebrated the trail with her in a really touching way. You can see some of Paul’s pics on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/hikingwithskunkape/ and on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/hiking_with_skunkape/ I join my fellow Hiking Radio Network podcasts–Julie Gayheart and Anna Huthmaker–in a panel discussion on the ramifications of the virus on hiking long-distance trails. Additionally, Dr. Lynne returns to the show, with real-world experience of what the virus is doing to us and some helpful tips. Finally, Grandma Gatewood reveals more of her brutal life and reaches Harpers Ferry. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. The post Episode #212 – Paul Collins (Skunkape) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  3. TUR & TØYS tar dagens hverdag på alvor og gir gode tips hvis det shit hits the fan. Hvordan overleve «unsupported» når du er overlatt til deg selv, alle forsyninger er borte og du har ingenting å spise? Fortvil ikke, det er fremdeles håp! Vi har laget en overlevelsesguide til hvordan du kan overleve måneder på egen hånd - . Nemlig - kunsten å spise seg selv! View the full article
  4. As the Covid-19 pandemic continues to sweep the world, Andrew and Ryan take a hard look at responsible backpacking in 2020. They are joined by Jeff Garmire: repeat guest, elite long-distance athlete, author, and FKT holder - and Maggie Slepian: thru-hiker, climber, freelance writer, and Managing Editor of the Trek. Also in this episode: Are group trips possible once the pandemic begins to recede Resources for managing your non-backpacking time Thoughts on how to stay sane in a year of social distancing and too much indoor time Click here for show notes: https://backpackinglight.com/podcast-25-covid-19 This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of backpackinglight.com. Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show. View the full article
  5. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Gå til Podcasten
  6. We have another pastor on the show today. Cari Pattison is a member of the Class of 2019 (as am I) and she tells the story of her hike as it unfolded last year. She had planned a return to the trail this year but, with the Corona Virus now threatening to overrun most of us, she has had to accept that this year won’t be possible for her. Cari’s calm presence on the show may well reassure others as they contemplate their own broken plans. If you’d like to follow Cari on Instagram, you can find her at https://www.instagram.com/follow_thejoy/ Additionally, her fascinating and extremely well-written blog on the Trek can be found at https://thetrek.co/author/cari-pattison/ There are a lot of different opinions on the virus and how hikers should respond. The Appalachian Trail Conservancy has had its say (along with the associations of other long-distance trails) and I will be giving my view on the show this week. To add to that, we have a hiker who (at March 25) is currently still hiking north. Grandma Gatewood continues her struggle north, with Post-WWII America unfolding in front of her. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. The post Episode #211 – Cari Pattison (Sprout) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  7. Lars og Aleks tar en oppsummering av hva som har skjedd i turverdenen. Eventyraften 2020, Expedition Finse og Expedition Amundsen er tilbakelagt. Men hva nå? Må alle drømmer kanselleres? Hva skal eventyrlystne mennesker finne på i disse tider? Og hvordan kan turfolket takle dette? Aleksanders hypotese er at turfolket har bedre forutsetninger for å takle raske endringer i hverdagen. Nå får vi testet oss. For det er definitivt tid for å utnytte alle mulighetene ved å være ute. Aleks røper også at han samler DVD`er og gir hjemmekontortips. View the full article
  8. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Gå til Podcasten
  9. This is a special show that takes in the Corona Virus and its implications for hikers, as well as a father and son pair of pastors preparing to hike the Appalachian Trail. First, we have Aaron and BG Turner, two men ready for the adventure of their life, yet torn with doubt over the advisability of the hike. This situation is changing so quickly that I thought it was important to not only hear from Aaron and BG, but it was also important to get an expert on the show to help us in our deliberations regarding this outbreak. Heather “Brave” Sloan is a public health educator and gives us up-to-the-minute advice on what we should be considering. She may well be needed on the show in a week or so for further updates. You can check out Heather’s Facebook page if you’d like to learn more about staying healthy on the trail. https://www.facebook.com/stayinghealthyontheappalachiantrail/ Kate Stillwell continues to count down to her own AT flip flop, though that decision is similarly conflicting her. And Grandma Gatewood reaches Damascus, with the whole of America in a road-building frenzy. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #210 – Aaron and BG Turner PLUS Heather “Brave” Sloan appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  10. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden: Varsom.no Gå til Podcasten
  11. This week, now that we’ve finished reading his book Hiking Through, Paul Stutzman shares with us his hiking and personal journeys. We’ve learned about his AT trip and I wanted to know what happened after he stepped off the trail. Like his books, Paul is funny, perceptive, and occasionally serious. If you’d like to learn more about Paul or buy some of his books, you can visit his website at http://paulstutzman.com/ We also chat again with Kate Stillwell, our Woman of a Certain Age. Kate is using her 2017 experience on the trail with her daughter to dial in her gear. With less than three weeks to go, Kate’s journey is nearly upon us. Finally, in Grandma Gatewood’s Walk, Emma’s sometimes brutal early life is juxtaposed against the freedom of her hike. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. You can see and hear it in full on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vlP7g7qivo4 Thanks, John. The post Episode #209 – Paul Stutzman (Apostle) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  12. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden: Kart over vassdrag i Finnmark med anadrom laksefisk Gå til Podcasten
  13. We first met Chloe Decamera a few weeks ago on the show, informing us about the critical Leave No Trace principles and, in a follow-up conversation, it was clear that Chloe had her own Appalachian Trail story about her trek in 2015. She was very intentional about how she came to the trail, writing a thesis about Appalachian Trail thru-hiking as a spiritual experience and volunteering for the ATC. As you’ll hear, meeting the inspirational Jennifer Pharr Davis was a great motivator for her own journey. If you’d like to see more of what Chloe does, click on this link to the ATC’s Start Smart program https://youtu.be/J_-evEG3fFg Also today, we have the start of a new series; A Woman of a Certain Age, where Kate Stillwell prepares for and then attempts a thru-hike of the AT from April 1. In this episode, Steve and Kate talk, along with Kate’s daughter Alexa, or Tinkerbell. Our new book, Grandma Gatewood’s Walk, by Ben Montgomery, teaches us more about the harshness of Emma’s life and the early days of her epic journey. If you like what we’re doing on the Hiking Radio Network, please consider supporting us with either a one-off or monthly donation. The donate button is on the Mighty Blue podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Any support is gratefully received. Music for the “A Woman of a Certain Age” segment is by permission of Kate’s friend, John Jensen. Thanks, John. The post Episode #208 – Chloe Decamera (Vulture) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  14. This month, Chris chats with the owners of Trailheadz Hammocks, Karen and John Rammel. Enjoy! Shownotes: – Trailheadz Hammocks (company) Gå til artikkelen
  15. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Gå til Podcasten
  16. Aaron Owens Mayhew, MS, RDN, CD is a registered dietitian, ultralight long-distance backpacker, and backpacking food cookbook author. Aaron has worked in the field of nutrition for nineteen years and has been a backpacker for nearly as long. After having a mid-life crisis in 2016, Aaron began long-distance backpacking on her 40th birthday by hiking the Pacific Crest Trail. She has since launched her business, Backcountry Foodie™, a recipe and meal-planning service for backpackers. The service provides a platform for Aaron to share her knowledge and passion for eating well in the backcountry. She also runs her business and lives in a camper van full-time with her husband and dog. They have been on the road since April 2019 and look forward to where their outdoor adventures will continue to take them. You can learn more about Aaron, and her advice, at her website https://backcountryfoodie.com/ You can also find her on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/backcountry_foodie/ Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/backcountryfoodie/ YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCSUpLNV2Ct1WQWZHhSF3eCw Also today, we have the first chapter of Ben Montgomery’s book about the first badass woman on the trail; Grandma Gatewood. If you’d like to buy the book, follow this link. https://www.amazon.com/Grandma-Gatewoods-Walk-Inspiring-Appalachian-ebook/dp/B00IQY2Q0O/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3F2GUEOT90P8Y&keywords=grandma+gatewoods+walk&qid=1582740316&sprefix=grandma+gate%2Caps%2C202&sr=8-1 Remember to show your support for the show by donating on our podcast page at https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ The post Episode #207 – Aaron Owens Mayhew (Sling) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  17. Our guest today, Brant Bazner, lives in the iconic trail town of Damascus. He moved there to be near the trail and has now been hiking on the AT for several years, mainly with his dog, Garvey. Steve and Brant have a wide-ranging conversation about hiking on the trail with a dog, along with a discussion on gear and a few of Brant’s stories about his years of hiking on the AT. You can catch up with Brant at Garvey on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCYX2u59E9uxUD92oFVKdZeg We also have Chloe Decamera from the Appalachian Trail Conservancy on the show, talking about Leave No Trace principles as the hiking season warms up. Chloe has a wealth of information and clearly articulates what you need to know when you take to a trail near you. Chloe has shared several excellent links as you prepare for the trail. We talk about “Don’t be that guy” on the podcast, so check out these links Don’t Be That Guy: Thru-Hiker Registration (AT Camp) Link: https://atcamp.org/ A.T. L.N.T. Online Awareness Course: These “Leave No Trace” principles and techniques will help you enjoy the Appalachian Trail while minimizing impact to the environment and the experience of other visitors. A.T. Recommended Food Storage: In today’s show, I also mention an email I had from a listener, Frances Youngblood, drawing my attention to an event happening in Lebanon, MO on April 25th. On that Saturday Frances’ friend, Tracey Sheets, will be holding a program to introduce foster children (ages 14-20) to the outdoors. THIS IS WHERE YOU CAN HELP. We’re trying to get new or gently used hiking books into the hands of these youngsters and, if you can help, please sign them on the inside, telling who you are and where you’re from so that these young people have some connection to you and to the great outdoors. Please mail them to Tracey Sheets, PO Box 751, Ozark, MO 65721. Thanks for your help. Finally, Paul Stutzman’s epic journey comes to an end as he stands on top of Katahdin. It’s been a blast. The post Episode #206 – Brant Bazner (Brant and Garvey) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  18. Mike Horn er en av verdens mest erfarne og meritterte nålevende eventyreren. Han har krysset jorden langs ekvator og langs polarsirkelen uten motorkraft, svømt ned Amazonas, krysset Antarktis alene og i det hele tatt. Etter et opplevelsesrikt liv har han utviklet noen interessante filosofier.. Mike mener det er lite grunn til å bekymre seg. -If you worry, you die. If you dont worry, you die anyway. So why worry!? Hvor ligger hemmeligheten i de mentale forberedelsene? Foretrekker han egentlig jungel eller isen? Hvordan var det å gi seg i kast med polhavet, etter å ha snudd for tredje gang på K2 bare uker før avreise? Hva skjedde når han falt i råka og befant seg famlende i isvannet? Og hva savnet han mest på slutten av ekspedisjonen? Vi gjør et lite dypdykk i Mikes filosofi rundt å lære seg nye felt, å overleve i nye elementer og hvordan leve et rikt og lykkelig liv. View the full article
  19. In this episode of the Backpacking Light Podcast, Ryan and Andrew talk about some of the BPL staff’s favorite gear from 2019. From there they transition into a larger discussion of Backpacking Light’s gear philosophy. Also in this episode: What's new at BPL Andrew and Ryan’s favorite new gear Public lands news and headlines Interesting conversations in the forums And tons more! Click here for show notes: https://backpackinglight.com/podcast-24-staff-gear This podcast is brought to you ad-free by the subscribing members of backpackinglight.com. Please leave us a review and rating, it helps other people find our show. View the full article
  20. Relevante lenker for podkasten uteliv: Hør på Spotify Hør I iTunes Følg Uteliv på Facebook Følg meg på Instagram Podkasten Uteliv på nett Kjøp mine bøker på VIPPS #137581 (Randulf Valle Naturformidling) Relevante linker for episoden: Kjøp boka til Gisle på www.rennfokk.no Gå til Podcasten
  21. It’s a fabulous show this week, not least because we have Mr. Fabulous, or Derick Lugo, as the main guest. Derick hiked the Appalachian Trail in 2012 and has earned himself a reputation as a speaker about the trail, as well as a growing recognition as a writer. His new book, The Unlikely Thru-Hiker, is now available at his website and on Amazon. You can connect with Derick in a variety of ways. Website: https://www.dericklugo.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/derick.lugo Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dericklugo/ The short story of his hike with his brother–The Trail Brothers–can be found at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JR21w5qi-B8 Another fabulous guest is April Mae, who Steve spoke with following a post that she made on Facebook. Her story is illuminating and inspiring. The pictures below show April’s “Before” and “After” pics. Her story is a testimony to the power of hiking and its beneficial effects upon both the body and the psyche. Don’t forget to check out our sponsors, Hiker Medals, at https://www.hikermedals.com/. We’ve been delighted to have had them on the show these past few weeks. Also, if you’d like to support the various shows on the Hiking Radio Network, you can find the donate button at the podcasts page on the Mighty Blue site: https://mightyblueontheat.com/the-podcast/ Finally, today, Paul Stutzman stands on the edge of glory, tackling the 100-Mile Wilderness as he prepares for Katahdin. The post Episode #205 – Derick Lugo (Mr. Fabulous) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  22. Noe av det første synet som møtte Aleksander da han møtte Børge og Mike i ismørket, var en nitidig og sirlig sammensydd pulk. Enten du er en fersk markatraver eller gråskjegget ekspedisjonsfarer, så bør «kunsten å reparere» løftes frem i hverdagen i ny og ne. Å ta vare på eget utstyr er positivt sett fra alle kanter, men hva har du egentlig med for å reparere ting som går i stykker? Aleksander innrømmer at det er en av hans svake sider, og han tar derfor en opplæringsrunde med kanskje den aller beste i faget. Vi får et eksklusivt innsyn i den Børges aller helligste utstyrspose og diskuterer oss igjennom hver skrue, tapebit og forskalingsspiker (!). View the full article
  23. Valg av utstyr til turer og ekspedisjoner kan være en kritisk faktor, og Børge innrømmer selv at han er en utstyrsnerd. Børge er tro mot løsninger som fungerer, men hva bruker han egentlig? Hvorfor spesialsyr han sine egne votter? Hva er å bendsler? Hvilket telt bruker han, og hvorfor velger han det? Hva sover han i, hva har han på seg, og hva er egentlig greia med den dunvesten? Hvor er det best å tørke sokkene? Hva slags batteriløsninger kan egentlig vare i tre måneder? Aleksander og Børge tråler seg gjennom utstyrslista på den spektakulære polhavkryssingen og graver seg ned i både trivielle og eksepsjonelle detaljer og diskusjoner. View the full article
  24. A packed show this week, with about 90 minutes of goodness!! Rory Anderson, or Bigfoot, is this week’s main guest. Rory is an accomplished hiker, having completed the Appalachian Trail in 2016. He has done several other trails and recently broke the Fastest Known Time (FKT) for the Superior Hiking Trail. As Rory stresses, he’s not superhuman; he’s just a very determined guy with a plan. He and Steve talk about ultra-lite backpacking and the never-ending quest to shave off a few extra pounds from your pack. You can follow Bigfoot’s YouTube channel, called Follow Bigfoot, at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCkA3z-lSyEg6ZN-BqMy6wow For his FKT Superior Hiking Trail video, go to https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKjmG0QkGTs His FKT gear list is at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3B-Je29UhWI In this podcast, Rory also talks about his passion for Halloween and shares a video of his 2019 haunt at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V_B-cvQ5mik It is well worth watching!! Steve also chats with Wim Schalken of Hiker Medals, the sponsor for today’s show. You can find out more about Wim’s awesome project at https://www.hikermedals.com/ Paul Stream, of The Barn in Gorham, tells us about his hostel in Maine, which you can find at https://www.libbyhouseinn.com/ In Steve’s reading of Paul Stutzman’s Hiking Through, Paul has an unlikely encounter….with a giant rabbit!! The post Episode #204 – Rory Anderson (Bigfoot) appeared first on Mighty Blue on The Appalachian Trail. View the full article
  25. This month, Chris chats with the owner of Walhalla Hammocks in South Carolina. Enjoy! Shownotes: – Walhalla Hammocks (company) Gå til artikkelen
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